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Mostrando postagens de maio, 2008

Kotaku, the Gamer’s Guide

Kotaku, the Gamer’s Guide : "Games are a global business. After all, how many other industries could I work in where I live in Australia, work for an American-based company and can be read by anyone from Portugal to the Philippines at the push of a button? Not many. So it's a shame that while information about games is truly global, the games themselves are not."

Gamasutra - GFH: The Real Life Lessons Of WoW 's Corrupted Blood

Gamasutra - GFH: The Real Life Lessons Of WoW 's Corrupted Blood : "At the Games For Health conference in Baltimore, epidemiologist Nina H. Fefferman, Ph.D of Tufts University and Rutgers University spoke on the difficulties in modeling disease origins and control, and how examining MMO populations could solve some of the problems inherent with more traditional models, joking that that she was going to 'use gamers as my 'guinea pigs.''"

PosteRazor - Make your own poster!

PosteRazor - Make your own poster! : "About The PosteRazor cuts a raster image into pieces which can afterwards be printed out and assembled to a poster. As input, the PosteRazor takes a raster image. The resulting poster is saved as a multipage PDF document. An easy to use, wizard like user interface guides through 5 steps. PosteRazor is available as a Windows, an OSX and a Linux version. It is an open source, GNU licensed project which is hosted on SourceForge.net."

Jogo de computador gratuito poderá render Prêmio Nobel de Medicina

Jogo de computador gratuito poderá render Prêmio Nobel de Medicina : "Cientistas lançaram um jogo de computador cujos resultados poderão render um Prêmio Nobel de Medicina. Em vez de derrotar monstros ou resgatar princesas, o novo jogo gratuito transforma em competição um dos maiores desafios da ciência atual: descobrir como se dá o processo de dobramento das proteínas."

Uma web 3D para um mundo tridimensional » Webinsider

Uma web 3D para um mundo tridimensional » Webinsider : "Uma web 3D para um mundo tridimensional 16 de maio de 2008, 12:03 Dentro de pouco tempo veremos mais projetos em 3D interativo na internet e ferramentas capazes de simplificar a forma de criar e interagir neste universo. E uma busca por profissionais que dominem essa disciplina."

Recognizing Scenes Like the Brain Does

Slashdot | Recognizing Scenes Like the Brain Does : "'Researchers at the MIT McGovern Institute for Brain Research have used a biological model to train a computer model to recognize objects, such as cars or people, in busy street scenes. Their innovative approach, which combines neuroscience and artificial intelligence with computer science, mimics how the brain functions to recognize objects in the real world. This versatile model could one day be used for automobile driver's assistance, visual search engines, biomedical imaging analysis, or robots with realistic vision. Here is the researchers' paper in PDF format.'"