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The amazing Soft Robotics Toolkit

Wow! For more information check on: http://softroboticstoolkit.com/

SXSW 2016: The Game Invasion

8 Reasons millennials are smarter then previous generations

Great post on reasons why millennials behave smarter :) They no longer value the traditional workplace rules. They believe in life, not work-life balance. They don´t want to be just another cog in the wheel. They value intangible work benefits more. They are used to being flexible and doing things on the go. They are autonomous. They want transparency. They want to learn from experience. See more at: http://tinyurl.com/nsyg2wo

What if your cell phone could identify it was stolen by itself?

Also interesting: Could you tell if a phone has been stolen by a change in the walking pattern of the person carrying it? An Android app developed by Marios Savvides and colleagues at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, uses data from the accelerometer and gyroscope that come as standard on modern smartphones to record the movements that a phone makes as its owner walks. In a study to be presented this week at the BTAS biometrics conference in Washington DC, Savvides shows the app can identify a particular gait with over 95 per cent accuracy. The technology could one day be used to shut a device down if it registers a gait that does not match that of its owner http://users.ece.cmu.edu/~juefeix/btas_2012_felix.pdf

The way you walk tells me who you are

  Improvements in gait analysis mean your characteristic way of walking could soon be used to identify you – wherever you are. “Imagine a bank robber who has covered his face but can be identified by the way he walks out of the bank” Ref: https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg21528835.600-cameras-know-you-by-your-walk/ http://www.techtudo.com.br/noticias/noticia/2012/09/cameras-reconhecem-pessoas-pelo-modo-de-andar.html

Google will change media industry in near future

"(...)  it’s clear that in the future, tech companies—not publishers—will be the chief distributors of the news we consume." <wired> With AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), a new opensorce instant publishing product google will revolutionize not only mobile web but the web itself and the way we navigate.  It may be a new media revolution providing instant access to the content that matters in a whole new level. "This is about making sure the World Wide Web is not the World Wide Wait.” (Richard Gringrass) Refs: https://www.ampproject.org http://www.wired.com/2015/10/googles-got-plan-make-mobile-web-less-slow/