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Mostrando postagens de 2008

A Brief History of Mobile Games: 2002 - Wake up and smell the coffee, feature, A Brief History of Mobile Games, PocketGamer.biz

A Brief History of Mobile Games: 2002 - Wake up and smell the coffee, feature, A Brief History of Mobile Games, PocketGamer.biz : "Up to this point the mobile games industry had been nascent. Companies had raised cash, the basic technological building blocks were in place, and a handful of decent games had been released, but something was still missing..."

Criada memória do computador HAL 9000

Criada memória do computador HAL 9000 : "'É um novo marco no desenvolvimento de sistemas eletrônicos transparentes. Integrando as memórias TRRAM com outros componentes eletrônicos transparentes, nós poderemos criar sistemas eletrônicos incorporados virtualmente invisíveis,' diz o pesquisador Jung Won Seo."

Scaleform Corporation

Scaleform Corporation : "Scaleform GFx is a light-weight high-performance rich media user interface (UI) and vector graphics engine, designed specifically for Console and PC game developers. GFx combines the scalability and development ease of proven visual authoring tools, such as the Adobe Flash® Studio, with the latest hardware graphics acceleration that cutting-edge game developers demand. Using Scaleform GFx, companies can change from a programmer-centric static UI development environment to an artist-driven dynamic UI and animated texture production pipeline!"

Gamasutra - Gamasutra's Best Of 2008: Top 5 PC Games

Gamasutra - Gamasutra's Best Of 2008: Top 5 PC Games : "1. Fallout 3 (Bethesda Game Studios) Bethesda's Fallout 3 not only outshone the studio's previous game, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, in just about every way, it accomplished the impressive task of satisfying most non-extremist-level fans of Black Isle's venerable Fallout series. Creating a vast world that is a convincing representation of a dismal, post-nuclear wasteland while also being consistently compelling is no mean feat, but here it is."

OpenVG 1.1 Specification Publicly Released - GameDev.Net Discussion Forums

OpenVG 1.1 Specification Publicly Released - GameDev.Net Discussion Forums : "The Khronos™ Group announced today that it has ratified and publicly released the OpenVG™ 1.1 specification, a new version of the royalty-free, open standard for low-level 2D vector graphics acceleration. OpenVG 1.1 adds a Glyph API for hardware accelerated text rendering, full acceleration support for Adobe® Flash® and Flash Lite 3 technologies and multi-sampled anti-aliasing. The new OpenVG specification is accompanied by an open source sample implementation and a full suite of conformance tests implemented by the Khronos Group. OpenVG has been developed by Khronos members including Adobe, AMD, ARM, Broadcom, Ericsson, Huone, Imagination Technologies, Monotype Imaging, NDS, Nokia, NVIDIA, Symbian, TAKUMI and Texas Instruments. The OpenVG API specification and more details about the sample implementation and conformance tests are available at http://www.khronos.org/openvg/ "

Videogames For Tough Times - Forbes.com

Videogames For Tough Times - Forbes.com : "Videogames For Tough Times Mary Jane Irwin, 12.12.08, 04:00 PM EST Fortune dwindling? 'Fable II' can rebuild your ego, if not your wealth. image In Pictures: Forbes.com's 15 Favorite Games Of 2008 The economy is awful. Companies are bankrupt. Stocks are tanking. Savings are dwindling. And employers are laying off in droves. Instead of hitting the bottle to soothe your jangled nerves, try playing a videogame. No, they're not the magic, recession-proof white stallion we've been led to believe, but games are excellent means of escapism. Sit down with one of 2008's best games for 10, 20 or 40 hours and you'll barely remember that your checking account balance isn't as high as it used to be.

India media news marketing India advertising Indian brands tv media newspapers

India media news marketing India advertising Indian brands tv media newspapers : "Games2Win has announced the launch of Gamecurry, a global search engine for Flash games. Over 400 million consumers (almost one out of two) on the World Wide Web play online Flash games as per comScore data (September 2008). Within a month, Gamecurry.com will showcase global search trends live on the site."

Indie game designer earns raves for 'Braid' - Citizen Gamer- msnbc.com

Indie game designer earns raves for 'Braid' - Citizen Gamer- msnbc.com : "One of the highest-rated Xbox 360 games of all times isn't some shooting game from some fancy-pants company that makes games by dipping programming code in giant vats filled with hundred dollar bills. And it’s not some action game that tap dances across your TV screen showing off its high-def graphics like some supermodel showing off her expensive new dress."

The Android App store looms | Mobile Content | News by Mobile Entertainment

The Android App store looms | Mobile Content | News by Mobile Entertainment : "A Google blog has revealed details of the Android Market content distribution set-up. It described the aim of the system to ‘help end users find, purchase, download and install content using Google's expertise in infrastructure, search and relevance’."

Google está pronto para oferecer in-Game advertising para webgames e online-games

Google ready to offer in-game ads for web games? | Casual games | News by Casualgaming.biz : "Google's is finally going to commit to in-game advertising, with a target that will include online web-based PC games, according to a report on VentureBeat. 'Sources close to the matter said that the company has developed an in-game advertising technology that allows it to insert video ads into games,' says the report, adding that a demo shows in-game characters themselves presenting ads to players with 'words from our sponsor'-like intros."

Mobile gaming to hit $4.5bn in 2008, says analyst | Casual games news | CasualGaming.biz

Mobile gaming to hit $4.5bn in 2008, says analyst | Casual games news | CasualGaming.biz : "The mobile games market will be worth $4.5 billion in 2008, says analyst Gartner. The bullish projection suggests a 16.1 per cent increase from 2007 revenue of $3.9 billion. It certainly contradicts the generally perceived flatness of the sector. And with EA recently telling ME that the European market generated 100 million downloads last year (that's around $500 million at the very maximum), it looks very optimistic"

the art of play

the art of play : "Free and open to the public! Games are now generally acknowledged as culturally significant, comparable with film or television in their economic strength if not their public mindshare. But can they be art?Free and open to the public! Games are now generally acknowledged as culturally significant, comparable with film or television in their economic strength if not their public mindshare. But can they be art?"

Kotaku, the Gamer’s Guide

Kotaku, the Gamer’s Guide : "Games are a global business. After all, how many other industries could I work in where I live in Australia, work for an American-based company and can be read by anyone from Portugal to the Philippines at the push of a button? Not many. So it's a shame that while information about games is truly global, the games themselves are not."

Gamasutra - GFH: The Real Life Lessons Of WoW 's Corrupted Blood

Gamasutra - GFH: The Real Life Lessons Of WoW 's Corrupted Blood : "At the Games For Health conference in Baltimore, epidemiologist Nina H. Fefferman, Ph.D of Tufts University and Rutgers University spoke on the difficulties in modeling disease origins and control, and how examining MMO populations could solve some of the problems inherent with more traditional models, joking that that she was going to 'use gamers as my 'guinea pigs.''"

PosteRazor - Make your own poster!

PosteRazor - Make your own poster! : "About The PosteRazor cuts a raster image into pieces which can afterwards be printed out and assembled to a poster. As input, the PosteRazor takes a raster image. The resulting poster is saved as a multipage PDF document. An easy to use, wizard like user interface guides through 5 steps. PosteRazor is available as a Windows, an OSX and a Linux version. It is an open source, GNU licensed project which is hosted on SourceForge.net."

Jogo de computador gratuito poderá render Prêmio Nobel de Medicina

Jogo de computador gratuito poderá render Prêmio Nobel de Medicina : "Cientistas lançaram um jogo de computador cujos resultados poderão render um Prêmio Nobel de Medicina. Em vez de derrotar monstros ou resgatar princesas, o novo jogo gratuito transforma em competição um dos maiores desafios da ciência atual: descobrir como se dá o processo de dobramento das proteínas."

Uma web 3D para um mundo tridimensional » Webinsider

Uma web 3D para um mundo tridimensional » Webinsider : "Uma web 3D para um mundo tridimensional 16 de maio de 2008, 12:03 Dentro de pouco tempo veremos mais projetos em 3D interativo na internet e ferramentas capazes de simplificar a forma de criar e interagir neste universo. E uma busca por profissionais que dominem essa disciplina."

Recognizing Scenes Like the Brain Does

Slashdot | Recognizing Scenes Like the Brain Does : "'Researchers at the MIT McGovern Institute for Brain Research have used a biological model to train a computer model to recognize objects, such as cars or people, in busy street scenes. Their innovative approach, which combines neuroscience and artificial intelligence with computer science, mimics how the brain functions to recognize objects in the real world. This versatile model could one day be used for automobile driver's assistance, visual search engines, biomedical imaging analysis, or robots with realistic vision. Here is the researchers' paper in PDF format.'"

Buracos Negros na Internet

Cientistas da Universidade de Washington, Estados Unidos, descobriram que existem verdadeiros buracos negros na Internet, interrupções nas comunicações que impedem que usuários de determinada região geográfica acessem servidores localizados em outra região, mesmo que os servidores estejam funcionando corretamente. Ref.: Inovacao Tecnológica

Sobre a evolução da indústria de Games

Creativity: The Game | Creativity Online : "The global video game business is sprinting towards a $40 billion annual take with last year's U.S. market alone bringing in a healthy $19 billion. That record haul was despite the sluggish economy. Over the past few years, in large part due to Nintendo's one-two punch of its motion sensor-controlled Wii and its portable touchpad Nintendo DS, games have become mainstream. And an expanded audience has meant a whole new way of thinking about gaming for developers, marketers and players."

Sony lança engine free para desenvolver jogos para PS3

Gamasutra - Making Games For PlayStation Network - The Facts : "Sony have released a free to use graphics engine called PhyreEngine, which comes complete with a run time, art pipeline, more than 70 documented code samples and game templates, and is cross-platform optimized for multi-core PCs -- OpenGL and Direct3D simply need to be re-compiled for PS3."

Stories From the Intern-to-Hire Frontline - GameCareerGuide.com

Stories From the Intern-to-Hire Frontline - GameCareerGuide.com : "Many readers of this web site are students who are knowledgeable about games, are learning about the game development industry, but are in need of direct instruction about moving from one to the other. How do you get from having knowledge to having a job?"

Moralidade e games

Video Game News, Video Game Coverage, Video Game Updates, PC Game News, PC Game Coverage - GameDaily : "Many games let you make morality decisions nowadays, but are they actually helping you become a better person? A high-profile panel at GDC discussed this question and more."

Definição do mercado de Casual Games paralelo com os Hardcore Games

Gamasutra - GDC Casual Summit: Blue Fang's Meretzky Defines Casual Games : “As we get into the 2000s we see this dichotomy, casual games and hardcore games,” said Meretzky, adding that they were very well split. But now, we see hardcore and casual merging. He then postulated, “As we see this dichotomy kind of going away and becoming a full spectrum, and the in-between space getting filled in, the question is ‘is the definition of what is casual changing?’”

In-Game Advertising - Quake live free!

Video Game News, Video Game Coverage, Video Game Updates, PC Game News, PC Game Coverage - GameDaily : "Electronic Arts announced Battlefield Heroes only a couple of weeks ago, and now id Software is getting in on the act. Quake Live is an online title that will be supported by IGA's ad network."

Lançamento de controlador de jogos wireless para Celular

GamesOnDeck.com - Zeemote Launches Compact Wireless Game Controller : "Developers, operators, and gamers tell us the Zeemote JS1 controller is what they've been waiting for to unleash the real potential of mobile gaming"

Estudo de caso -Ricochet- sobre o avanço da pirataria de games casuais

Gamasutra - Casual Games and Piracy: The Truth : "Just how rampant is piracy in PC casual gaming? In a startling instalment of his regular Gamasutra column, Reflexive's director of marketing Russell Carroll (Wik, Ricochet) reveals the 92% piracy rate for one of his company's games, and what worked (and didn't work) when they tried to fix it."

Artigo incentivando a não perder tempo com as fúteis discussões do tipo: isso é arte?, um game?'

Gamasutra - The Arty Party : "In this important Gamasutra essay, former game journalist and current EA producer Jim Preston dispels the illusion of an 'art club' that games aren't allowed to enter, suggesting that diversity has made the 'games as art' debate effectively meaningless."

Our Inevitable Episodic Future

Gamasutra - Opinion: Our Inevitable Episodic Future : Novos fatores que influenciarão o futuro dos jogos em conteúdos episódicos. "Three big ones. First, the so-called 'rise of a new audience' of casual gamers, or at least, lighter-engagement gamers outside the traditional hardcore demographic. Second, the increase in digital distribution and connected content; third, the success of the free-to-play biz model."

CASUAL Games design: 'Innovate, don't iterate' says Microsoft casual boss

CASUAL CONNECT: 'Innovate, don't iterate' says Microsoft casual boss - News - www.developmag.com : "'The one thing you shouldn't do is iterate. Don't copy. Go a step further than iterating. Think about how we as an industry will take the things from the real world and use them to change our industry.'"

Video Game Manifesto - assinado na Europa

Euro devs sign ‘video game manifesto’ - News - www.developmag.com : "“We believe that although video game production is a global industry, the values and talents applied to creating video games in Europe are not the same as those found in other parts of the world where these games are created, especially North America and Asia. There is a very distinct style to be seen in games created in our European countries, and it’s a style that reflects the diversity and independence of European creativity, especially in terms of its originality,” says the manifesto,"

Video Games passam a ser considerados como Arte na Europa

Gamasutra - Video Games: Officially Art, In Europe : "[The French government and European Commission have agreed in principle to fund tax credits for video games, due to their cultural importance - and Gamasutra tagged along with the French cultural minister and Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot to find out why it matters.]"

Futuro da distribuição de games pertence à publicidade e não às vendas

Gamasutra - Future Publishing Sees Q1 Sales Down But Advertising Up : "Officials from UK based special-interest media group Future Publishing have revealed details of the company’s first financial quarter for the three months ended December 31st, 2007, during which revenues fell by 1.5 percent to £40.6 million ($80.7m)."

Rede de hotéis 'hilton garden In' usa games para treinar funcionários

Video Game News, Video Game Coverage, Video Game Updates, PC Game News, PC Game Coverage - GameDaily : "Called Ultimate Team Play, the 'serious game' will be a virtual simulator for situations in the hospitality business. Users will be given a grade based on the Satisfaction and Loyalty Tracking scores. Posted by David Radd on Monday, January 28, 2008"

Guinness lança versão "Gamer's edition 2008"

  Guinness World Records today announced that it is offering a "definitive guide to all gaming records, facts and figures." This new publication, titled Guinness World Records: Gamer's Edition 2008 , will be available in the U.S. on March 11. The records inside the book include Halo 3 as the "Highest Grossing Game In One Day" for $170 million in first day sales in the U.S. alone and "Fastest Completion Time For A Game Of Super Mario Bros. " at five minutes flat. Video Game News, Video Game Coverage, Video Game Updates, PC Game News, PC Game Coverage - GameDaily

Opera se torna palco para Games patrociandos por anúncios direcionados a plataformas móveis

  As we noted the past two years in our GameDaily BIZ Ad Watch: Year in Review columns, in-game advertising is a mushrooming market. Last year in particular, it became increasingly apparent that the casual gaming industry was benefiting from advertiser support, especially for web based games. At the same time, because of the overlap between the casual and mobile markets, games on mobile phones were also getting a boost [ Where you at? - Ed. ] from in and around-game ads. via: Video Game Features, PC Game Features

Light engine

Home of LIGHTSMARK - next generation lighting benchmark : "Before Lightsmark, realtime global illumination was limited to small scenes, small resolutions, small speeds, specially crafted scenes with handmade optimizations. Lightsmark breaks all limits at once, running in reasonably sized scene (220000 triangles) in high resolution (1680x1050) at excellent speed (100-400fps)."

Melhores de 2007 - em Indiegames.com

Indiegames.com - showcasing the best in independent games. : "some of the more notable freeware and indie games of this and previous years - hence this special 'best-of' section. Check out the individual charts, and also make sure to read Indie Games: The Weblog for all the latest independent game news, interviews and features."

Mercado de games indie cresce 43% em 2007 na Austrália

Gamasutra - GfK: Australian Game Market Grows 43% In 2007 : "Independent market research group GfK has released statistics that show Australians spent AUS $1.3 billion ($1.15 billion) on video game hardware and software in 2007, marking a 43 percent increase over 2006 and setting a new record for the games industry in Australia." fonte: http://blogs.theage.com.au/screenplay/archives//008421.html via: http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=17090

Sem especialização mas com outras habilidades necessárias para fazer jogos

Without a Specialty: The ‘Other' Skills Needed to Make Games - GameCareerGuide.com : "Game and follow the game industry. Easy stuff. Everyone has their favorite review site (IGN, Gamespot, 1-UP) but don't forget digest sites like Kotaku.com or industry insider sites like Gamasutra.com and Next-Gen.biz. Be passionate, and be an expert."

Sequência para Bionic Commando

Bionic Commando : "The first true sequel to the classic 1988 Nintendo Entertainment System original, Bionic Commando sees the return of the bionically-enhanced Nathan 'Rad' Spencer, voiced by Mike Patton, the former lead singer of Faith No More. Time has not been kind to Spencer: 10 years after his heroic defeat of the Imperials in the original game, he has been betrayed by the government he swore to serve, imprisoned for crimes he didn't commit, and sentenced to death."

Sobre Level design X random generated levels

Ascii Dreams: The Death of the Level Designer: Procedural Content Generation in Games - Part One : "Procedural content generation is yet to set the game industry on fire. It has featured in one of the greatest games of all time, Diablo and it's successor, who directly trace their roots to roguelike games such as Angband."

Sucessos de 2007

Video Game News, Video Game Coverage, Video Game Updates, PC Game News, PC Game Coverage - GameDaily : "2007 was a magical year for the video game industry. The totals are in, and according to The NPD Group, as was expected the U.S. game industry posted sales of almost $18 billion ($17.94 billion to be exact) – please note that this does not include PC game revenues. This represented a 43 percent jump over 2006. 2007 was definitely fueled by the console war as console hardware sales soared 73 percent to $5.12 billion. Overall hardware sales rose 54 percent, while total video game software sales for the year climbed 34 percent to $8.64 billion. Even video game accessories saw a significant 52 percent increase to $2.26 billion."

Nasa investiga possibilidade de uso de MMOGs

Video Game News, Video Game Coverage, Video Game Updates, PC Game News, PC Game Coverage - GameDaily : "The BBC is reporting the U.S. space agency NASA is investigating the possibility of creating a massively multiplayer online game that would simulate engineering and science missions." site da BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7195718.stm via: http://www.gamedaily.com/articles/news/nasa-investigating-mmo-game-development/19124/?biz=1

The Nintendo DS levels up, and phones make kids safer | The Japan Times Online

  The Nintendo DS levels up, and phones make kids safer | The Japan Times Online   Double vision: Nintendo 's two-screened DS is set to become even more of a must-have product thanks to the DSVision, which will allow users to watch videos and read e-books and manga on the portable console. Users simply download the media to their computer, transfer the content to a microSD card, and then load the card into a DS via a custom cartridge. The DSVision set includes a 512-megabyte microSD card, USB card-reader and the cartridge, with AM3 putting the sets on sale in January 2008 for ¥3,980. Downloadable media is set to follow in March in conjunction with e-book distributor Dai Nippon. Of course, sets such as the R4 have allowed DS users to run media and home-brew software for ages — not to mention illegally downloaded games. Whether the DSVision will somehow defy the pirates is yet to be seen.

Interactive media

Interactive media - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : "Interactive media refers to media of communication that allow for active participation by the recipient, hence interactivity. Traditional information theory would describe interactive media as those media that establish two-way communication. In media theory, interactive media are discussed along their cultural implications. The field of Human Computer Interaction deals with aspects of interactivity and design of in digital media. Other areas that deal with interactive media are new media art, interactive advertising and video game production. While some traditional (non-digital) mass media would qualify for interactive media the term is usually only applied to digital media. The significant increase in possibilities for interactivity (especially over vast distances) brought by the internet boosted the availability of digital interactive media. Still, e.g. language in face-to-face communication would formally belong to the in

Types of Game Designers

Types of Game Designers « Applied Game Design : In the last ten years, but more so in the last five, we’ve seen greater specialization within the fields themselves so that now, and at least in my field, the term “game designer” sounds general. It’s a perfectly okay term to use on indie game projects, but when you’re talking about a big Xbox 360 production, saying “I’m the game designer” is likely to result in a follow up: “Yeah, but what exactly did you design?” Conheça as especializações de um game designer

Sobre a onda dos Indie Games

Indiegames.com - showcasing the best in independent games. : "The power of independent games are undeniable, but what are indie games, and what makes them so important right now? The rise of the Web and digital downloads, both on PC and console, has unlocked a hive of creativity from independent game creators - leading to innovation in a multitude of game genres, the revitalization of classic game styles and the creation of entirely new blends of art and playability."

2008 Independent Games Festival Audience Award Voting Opens

IndieGames.com - The Weblog : "Organizers of the 2008 Independent Games Festival (IGF) have launched the IGF Audience Award voting website, allowing game fans everywhere to download, play, and choose a favorite all of the eligible Main Competition finalist indie games which submitted a publicly playable demo." Fonte: http://www.indiegames.com/blog/ via: http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=16771

Gamasutra - Opinion: Can A Stuffed Bear Hold The Secret To Game Piracy?

Gamasutra - Opinion: Can A Stuffed Bear Hold The Secret To Game Piracy? : The personalization has to add value, make the game *better* for that individual customer. It could be an object of social status ('Look, Cliffy B personally autographed my copy of Gears and thanked me for my business'), an element of personal integration ('It came pre-built with my character stats already set up, and the villagers were singing songs about the time I single handedly held off that Orc assault!'), or custom fitting ('all the graphics assets and settings came perfectly tuned for set up for my personal machine').... who knows. Sobre o combate à pirataria de games a partir do envolvimento do usuário na personalização do jogo.

Jogo de Quiz para PS2 é Hit no Reino Unido

Fonte: http://ukchampionofthehousehold.buzzthegame.com/home.php via: http://www.binaryjoy.co.uk/games/games-news/buzz-the-hollywood-quiz/

Tutorial Series Summary and Game::AI++ — AiGameDev.com

Tutorial Series Summary and Game::AI++ — AiGameDev.com : List of the tutorials this far: 1.Building AI for a Simulation Game from the Ground Up 2.The Backbone of AI Behaviors: Movement and Animation 3.On the Effectiveness of Random Decisions in Structured Behaviors 4.A Lazy Approach to Designing Consistent AI Behaviors 5.Beyond AI Pseudo-code and Towards Sensory Systems The first items are more design oriented, while the more recent articles get into the coding aspect of things.

Game: The Year The Subscription Model Died

WarCry Network : Editorial: The Year The Subscription Model Died : When people remember 2007 in the MMORPG genre, it will be remembered as much for what didn't happen as what did and for a game launched years before. Of the four major scheduled 2007 MMO launches, two slipped into 2008. EA Mythic's Warhammer Online and Funcom's Age of Conan were delayed, while Turbine's Lord of the Rings Online - which was supposed to launch in 2006 - made its mark and NCsoft's Tabula Rasa struggled in the tail end of the year. O modelo baseado em pagamento de assinaturas para jogar MMORPGS sofre perdas quando o game não é World of Warcraft...

Compulsion Engineers

"'...when you buy furniture, you tell yourself: that's it, that's the last sofa I'm gonna need. No matter what else happens, I've got that sofa problem handled.' - Edward Norton in Fight Club When I have a lot of things to do in little time, I feel a palpable sense of anxiety. Similarly, when I clear one of those things off my plate, I feel a sense of relief. These are emotional responses tuned to push us into action when situations threaten to get unmanageably complex. Games can trigger these same emotions -- both the anxiety related to an unsolved problem and the reward that comes with resolving it." Fonte: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/3495/compulsion_engineers.php?print=1

Stratagus Engine gratuito para jogos de estratégia

  Stratagus is a free cross-platform real-time strategy gaming engine. It includes support for playing over the internet/LAN, or playing a computer opponent. The engine is configurable and can be used to create games with a wide-range of features specific to your needs. See the Games page for a list of current games using the Stratagus engine. Stratagus | Home via: http://pauloandrade.com/?p=50

CGMAX - Computação Gráfica e Educação Tecnológica - Level Design

Conteúdo Programático : Aula 1: Tecnologia dos Games Aberta aos Jogadores. Aula 2 : Construindo fases com um Editor de Fases. Aula 3 : Criação de terrenos e Skyboxes. Aula 4 : Criando Volumes, Luz e Elementos Interativos. Aula 5 : Texturização para Games. Aula 6 : Criando objetos para games em primeira pessoa. Aula 7 : Otimização de fases. Aula 8 : Construção do projeto final de uma fase. CGMAX - Computação Gráfica e Educação Tecnológica - Level Design

Definições - MMORPG

Glossary of Terms 1 * Tabletop - A ‘conventional’ role-playing game; for the purposes of these articles, I’m specifically talking about traditionalist tabletop play. I’ll occasionally use the phrase ‘paper and pencil’, which means the same thing. * CRPG - A console (or computer) role-playing game. Includes MMORPGs, JCRPGs, and others; with no further specificity, refers to games that are single-player (or very limited multi-player, vis Baldur’s Gate 2) and generally follow a single or a few major plot threads with varying degrees of linearity. Examples: Baldur’s Gate, Morrowind, Knights of the Old Republic * JCRPG - A Japanese console RPG, usually a single-player, highly linear game, strongly focused on a single or a few major plot threads, that tends to have little or no player agency over major elements of story. Full examination of JCRPG conventions and artifacts is beyond the scope of this series, but it is a different beast compared to other CRPGs. Examples: Final Fant

Entrevista: Graham Hopper on Evolving Disney

Do you see a lot of limitations on what kind of games you guys could be making? GH: I think we have certain, if you like -- how should I put this? -- philosophical reservations in the kind of game that we want to make, so I would really not expect to see a Grand Theft Auto game coming from us. It would come from other people, but it won't come from us. But the idea of cutting-edge, high-quality, great entertainment is something you can expect to see from us on an ongoing basis. Some of it's going to be younger, and some of it's going to be older, and some of it's going to be mass, and some will be quirkier. It will be all of those things. via: http://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/3494/evolving_disney_graham_hopper_.php?print=1

Games Media Properties Enters the Giant Realm

Video Game Features, PC Game Features : The World Series of Video Games may be no more, but its organizers, Games Media Properties, are alive and kicking and believe they have the perfect vertical ad network to reach the highly coveted gamer (16-34 male) demographic. Posted by David Radd on Monday, January 14, 2008"

Quake 3 open source

ioquake3 : This project, ioquake3 (or ioq3 for short,) aims to build upon id Software's Quake 3 source code release. The source code was released on August 20, 2005 under the GPL. Since then, we have been cleaning up, fixing bugs, and adding features. Our permanent goal is to create the open source Quake 3 distribution uponwhich people base their games and projects. We also seek to have the perfect version of the engine for playing Quake 3: Arena, Team Arena, and all popular mods. This distribution of the engine has been ported to many new platforms and has had a slew of new features added, along with massive bug extermination. While we don't have PunkBuster (and never will), we do havemore security for servers and clients from various bugfixes which aren't in id's client. Please also note that the name of this project is ioquake3, as derived from the old name icculus.org/quake3. Our gracious hosting benefactor (Subversion and mailing lists) is icculus.org, which is als

Rocket: game interface design

Overview ¶ libRocket is a C++ interface middleware package designed for game applications. At its core it is based on the popular HTML and CSS specifications - we've taken most of the latest implementations used in web browsers now as well as a few of the most useful proposed additions to the specifications. It contains a full set of widgets so you can get creating screens right out of the box." fonte: http://librocket.com/ via: http://www.gamedev.net/community/forums/topic.asp?topic_id=478704

Visão geral: Character Arc & Development - Novel Writing Tips

Character Arc & Development - Novel Writing Tips : " Role of a Character Arc * Keeps the tension high and the conflict going. * Serves as the “inner” conflict and is always mirrored by the story's “outer” conflict. o e.g. DieHard: Inner conflict = overcome internal weaknesses to be able to get back together with wife; Outer conflict = fight bad guys who have taken over wife’s building. * The Arc is the internal change the hero goes through in a story. o It can be positive change of character—a happy ending o Or a negative or no change—which gives us a tragedy. + Characters who remain essentially the same from beginning to end are fatally flawed. They have learned nothing from their experience and have shown no growth. o Or the character is already ‘good’ and doesn’t change (e.g. James Bond, Braveheart, John Wayne)."

Character arc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Character arc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia : "Character arc From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search A character arc is the status of the character as it unfolds throughout the story, the storyline or series of episodes. Characters begin the story with a certain viewpoint and, through events in the story, that viewpoint changes. Some examples include: * In Tootsie, Dustin Hoffman’s character begins as a misogynistic chauvinist but when he is forced to play the part of a woman, he also experiences a change in how he views women and becomes a different character by the end. * In Empire of the Sun, Jim begins as a carefree young boy. After the Japanese take over Shanghai and he is separated from his family, he is forced to suffer trauma because of the war. * In The Godfather, Michael Corleone at first does not want to have anything to do with his father’s crime business. When his father is attacked and barely survives, Michael realizes his l

Casual Games Association

Associação que promove enventos e recursos para desenvolvedores e estudantes de games casuais . Casual Games Association Events are the premiere events for the casual games industry with over 2,500 professionals attending Casual Connect Conferences each year. Casual Connect Europe brings together the most talented and knowledgeable experts in the casual gaming field to further the casual games industry with the best of networking and learning. http://amsterdam.casualconnect.org/

Wolf Quest: sobreviva como um lobo!

Learn about wolf ecology by living the life of a wild wolf in Yellowstone National Park. Play alone or with friends in on-line multiplayer missions, explore the wilderness, hunt elk, and encounter stranger wolves in your quest to find a mate. Ultimately, your success will depend on forming a family pack, raising pups, and ensuring the survival of your pack. The WolfQuest experience goes beyond the game with an active online community where you can discuss the game with other players, chat with wolf biologists, and share artwork and stories about wolves. The first episode of the game, WolfQuest: Amethyst Mountain, is available for download! Fonte: http://www.wolfquest.org/ Download: http://www.wolfquest.org/downloads.php

Game Innovation Database

Game Innovation Database um site que mantem um banco de referência sobre inovações em games fonte: http://www.gameinnovation.org/ via: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/?p=836#more-836 The concept of a Game Innovation Database came about in 2004, as Jesse Schell observed the rapid disappearance of many games from collective memory. A professor at Carnegie Mellon University's Entertainment Technology Center, he was able to recruit students for an independent study and guide them, completing a system by which to classify innovations. As taxonomy model was put to use, it became apparent that this rigid framework would not mesh with fluidity of game design.

cursor *10

Jogo em flash com inteligência artificial voltada à cooperação um jogador http://www.nekogames.jp/mt/2008/01/cursor10.html via: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/?p=838

Inteligência artificial em jogos orientados a estória

Sobre a possibilidade de novos usos de inteligência artificial em jogos orientados por estórias #3 Emergent Behaviors within Stories The Ecology of BioShock Screenshot 3: Group dynamics form the story within BioShock. Game developers are also becoming increasingly skilled at integrating forms of emergence within linear story-like progressions. For example, the ecosystem in BioShock is designed in such a way that you have to understand its functioning to use it to your advantage. The enemies in Halo 3 also exhibit forms of emergent group behaviors when you fight against heterogeneous groups (e.g. and take out the leader). Prediction: Even in story-driven games, developers will increasingly use pockets of emergent behaviors to increase variety and replayability. This is a great way to bring a sandbox-like environment into a more traditional AAA form, getting the benefits of both. Tip: Design groups of characters together, and build the AI so that it responds to the rest of the group and